13 Sept 2015

Hope For Wildlife

Many of us have watched the Canadian television show filmed in Nova Scotia, called 'Hope For Wildlife'. 

This short post is about a whole lot of good, that is being done there, for some of the other creatures that we share this planet with!

Today, we had an opportunity along our drive, to visit their facilities and do a short walking tour. Hope took in her first rehab animal, a robin that had been attacked by a cat, in 1995 while working as a Manager at the Dartmouth Veterinary Hospital. The veterinarians at the hospital did not know what to do with the injured bird, so Hope took it to her home in Eastern Passage and starting doing research on caring for injured wildlife. Skip ahead 15 years ... the Hope for Wildlife Society has grown to over 100 volunteers and now rehabilitates over 2500 animals per year from all over the province. Funding still comes primarily from donations, as well as corporate and government grants, community groups, and annual fundraisers.

For the complete story visit the official website: Hope For Wildlife

The Wildlife Centre

Some of the current residents: A Rough Shouldered Hawk missing it’s flight feathers, a one-winged Horned Owl with a droopy eye, a three-legged descented Skunk, Talahassee ‘free-loader’ Geese, a one-eyed and one-winged Barred Owl, an exotic non-indigeneous Corn Snake. The centre houses many animals that are being rehabilitated and will be released. Visitors are not permitted to see these animals. This protects them from human imprinting. At present there are several deer (which will be released the day after hunting season ends), a young bobcat, a mature bobcat, several raccoons, hawks, porcupines, ducks, geese and rabbits.

Long ago, we stopped visiting Zoos, Aquariums and Wildlife Parks and even before that Circuses and other events that (we felt) expoited animals. It was certainly a personal choice; we just don’t like to see wild animals caged or contained and feel there is 'privelage' in observing them in their natural habitats. Many of the animals here are exotic and are now permanent residents because the owners didn't know how to care for them. Please do your research before purchasing any pet. Wild animal hospitals and rehabilitation places like this deserve our support. If you ever get an opportunity while traveling the Lighthouse Route in Nova Scotia, drop by the community of Seaforth for a visit here and meet some of the residents. 

Crusty ...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9/13/2015

    Thanks for sharing, this is a location worth stopping at. It is nice to see these acts of kindness towards wildlife.


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