


YOU'VE      FOUND      US 

' We Photo-Journal ... Our Travels and Adventures. '



If you are ONLY interested in reading our published posts ...

THEN ... the quickest and easiest method is by clicking on any COUNTRY Territory from Posts by ... COUNTRY Territory at the top of the left sidebar.

HOWEVER ... if you prefer to read our posts in chronological order; then scroll down under READ MORE; until you reach the DATE category.

AND ... by scrolling even further down past READ MORE, you can search our post archive; based on RIVER, ACTIVITIES / INTERESTS, SERIES, CANADA / USA and CONTINENT.


ALSO ... in addition to blogging posts, we sometimes receive questions about Our Travels, Our Adventure Rig LOAF, Our Upcoming Plans and sometimes ... even About Us! 

We've tried to answer some of those questions here, but, felt we should also make an effort to explain a few things to anyone who may be visiting us for the first time. 

NOW ... if you're still interested, please continue reading ...


WHO ' are we ' and WHAT ' are we all about '?
 You asked ... so, click here.

WHAT ' is this web place all about '?
Well, it's about a couple of things actually ... our travels with this adventure truck we affectionately call LOAF and adventure travel when LOAF gets to stay ' home alone ' and rest at BASECAMP, without all the stress of taking care of us. 

WHAT ' is LOAF '? 
LOAF is a ... 2021 Northern Lite 8-11 EX LE DB camper mounted OA 2011 Ford F350 4×4 CC SB SRW truck chassis; creative acronym eh! 

We purchased the truck slightly used and the camper new. We have completed a number of modifications and upgrades to each, in preparation for our particular style of adventure travel. Photos here. 

WHY ' do we do these things '?
The short answer is we're curious ';  about, ' well, everything ' ...  nature, people, culture, music, food ...

But, ' we're also adventurous '; we enjoy, mostly self-propelled activities … we paddle, hike, cycle, SCUBA dive and snorkel. Road-tripping and overlanding with a truck camper gives us vehicle access to further-from-home and less-travelled locations, supports the gear requirements for all of the activities we pursue and provides comfort and convenience wherever we camp.

WHERE ' can I read about your trips '?
There are several methods described further down this page. 

But, here are a couple of quick ways for now ... this is a Travel Snapshot of where we went last year, or check out our most recent major adventure ... ' Around the World, 3 new continents, 6 new countries over 104 days 'You can read all the posts from that trip, by clicking here

HOW ' can we help you '?
We've designed this website to entertain and be humorous, to inform, to provide information and resources across a variety of travel styles, methods and modes and to enable us to stay in contact with our family, friends and any others who may share these same travelling interests. 

Depending on your reason for visiting, there are several ways you can explore our site ...

  • If you are here because you are curious about our adventures on the road, then wander into the LOAFin Around page or read one of Travelling REMOTE ROADS reports located on the horizontal menu bar.
  • Meet LOAF is LOAFs very own dedicated website; not many adventure trucks can say that! If you are technically inclined and want to know more about LOAF; his buildup specifications, our outfitting, any technical issues encountered or how we prepare for our driving trips and overland travels then this website will interest you. You can also get an overview summary at the Our Rig page or meet some of LOAF's friends here.
  • Want to read about what we do when LOAF's not around; then go to the KANOE Tripping pull down menu and select the pages that interest you. Don't know what KANOE Tripping is?; here's an explanation ... it's another creative anagram btw!
  • From the websites' left sidebar, ' READ ', you can search our archived collection of published posts in a variety of ways; hopefully one will suit you. Start at the top and scroll down until you find the reading category you prefer.
  • From the websites' right sidebar, ' CONNECT 'you have the option to find us / like us / follow us / join us and contact us. You can also see and read about where we were most recently; all mixed in with some pretty maps and other fascinating links ... just scroll down.
  • And finally ... if you only want to view our travel photography, you can watch the slideshow called Our FAVOURITE IMAGES by scrolling right down to the bottom of the page. Clicking on any of those photos will take you to a gallery instead and you can scroll through as you want.

On the road we may have limited access to 21st century communications. The update frequency of the site could be patchy. We add new content and update information as we can. Our web-page creation skills are ' a work in progress ', but we are learning as we go along!

WHERE ' have we been '?
We have a passion for exploring our own country and in particular ' The Canadian North ' ... Nunavut, NWT and Yukon ... just about anywhere above latitude 60. This is where our most memorable travel experiences have been. 

Secondary to this, is a desire to visit and expose ourselves to as many different countries, cultures and activities that we can, while we can. 

Below are the flags, in chronological order, that represent the 26 countries (plus 3 nation territories) we have been fortunate to visit; (but not always together, unless noted). There are 195 sovereign nations in the world; we have a long way to go before visiting them all!

DetailOfficial national flag
              Sequence number in chronological order of visit
              Official country / common name (click for all published posts)
              Wikipedia link
              Two letter nation abbreviation
              Two letter continent abbreviation
              Year(s) visited 
              Countries where we've been LOAFin Around (Truck Camper/Camper Van/Car) πŸš™πŸš—  
              Mask or Carving of country collected πŸ‘Ή

1 CANADA Wikipedia CA NA 1952 & 1954/1952-2023 πŸš™πŸ‘Ή 
2 UNITED STATES of AMERICA/The States Wikipedia US NA Many 1975-2016/Not since Trump  πŸš™πŸ‘Ή 
3 BARBADOS Wikipedia BB NA 1989
UNITED MEXICAN STATES/Mexico Wikipedia MX NA 1989/2002/2013-2016/2018-2023  πŸš— πŸ‘Ή
REPUBLIC of CUBA/Cuba Wikipedia CU NA 2003/2008/2010 πŸ‘Ή
6 REPUBLIC of PANAMA/Panama Wikipedia  PA NA 2004 πŸ‘Ή
7 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC/The DR Wikipedia DO NA 2004/2007 πŸ‘Ή
8 REPUBLIC of COSTA RICA/Costa Rica Wikipedia CR NA 2005 πŸš—πŸ‘Ή 
9 BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC of VENEZUELA/Venezuela Wikipedia VE SA 2006 πŸ‘Ή
10 JAMAICA Wikipedia JM NA 2007 πŸ‘Ή
11 REPUBLIC of HONDURAS/Honduras Wikipedia  HN NA 2009 πŸ‘Ή 
12 COMMONWEALTH of the BAHAMAS/Bahamas Wikipedia BS NA 2009  πŸ‘Ή
13 The FRENCH REPUBLIC/France Wikipedia  FR EU 2010
14 FEDERAL REPUBLIC of GERMANY/Germany Wikipedia DE EU 2010  πŸ‘Ή
15 SWISS CONFEDERATION/Switzerland Wikipedia CH EU 2010
16 BELIZE Wikipedia BZ NA 2013
17 KINGDOM of SPAIN/Spain Wikipedia ES EU 2016-2017 πŸš— πŸ‘Ή    
19 KINGDOM of MOROCCO/Morocco Wikipedia MA AF 2017
20 PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC/Portugal Wikipedia PT EU 2017 πŸš— πŸ‘Ή
22 REPUBLIC of SINGAPORE/Singapore Wikipedia  SG AS 2017  πŸ‘Ή
23 NEW ZEALAND/Zeeland or Sealand Wikipedia NZ OC 2017 πŸš™ πŸ‘Ή                                               
24 REPUBLIC of ECUADOR/Ecuador Wikipedia EC SA 2019 πŸ‘Ή                       
25 ICELAND/Islandi Wikipedia IS EU/NA 2022 πŸš—πŸ‘Ή 

26 Federation of Saint CHRISTOPHER & NEVIS/St. Kitts & Nevis Wikipedia SKN NA 2023 (Dann) 

27 The NETHERLANDS/Caribbean Netherlands/Saba Wikipedia SA NA 2023 (Dann)

28 Kingdom of the NETHERLANDS/Sint Maarten  Wikipedia SM NA 2023 (Dann)

   29 The NETHERLANDS/Caribbean Netherlands/Bonaire Wikipedia  BO NA 2024

 30 Kingdom of the NETHERLANDS/Curacao Wikipedia  CW NA 2024

So Far Then ...

... we've visited 27 of the 195 sovereign nations on the planet. The 3 (UKNL) territories and protectorates we've travelled to, included in this list; are not included in that count. That's not many compared to other travelers ... we still have 168 to go.

Coming 2025

31 Republic of South Africa/South Africa Wikipedia SA AF 2025

32 Republic of Botswana/Botswana Wikipedia BW AF 2025

33 Republic of Zimbabwe/Zimbabwe Wikipedia ZW AF 2025

WHO ' comes to our website '?
We launched the website formally in December of 2013. We are very pleased that our adventure travel site has received … as of October 2024 … over 222,000 page-views from 98 countries around the world (39 of which, have had at least 10 repeat visits)!  WOW!!

Thanks to everyone that has taken the time to have a look at our stuff and in particular, thanks to everyone who has contacted us through our LOAFin AroundCanadian Truck Camper Owners and CANUSUKair Facebook pages or emailed us via the Contact Page


Take Care of Each Other and Travel Safe !

If you ever feel the urge to comment with a note ... We’d Certainly Be Thrilled !!

Read Website DISCLAIMER   Flag Icons by WhoIsHostingThis.com

Website Created by: Dann          Text and Photos by: Dann and Helen


  1. Hello,
    I have Really Enjoyed your Blog thus far. I have made it thru the "Meet LOAF" pages. My favorite aspect is all the detail that you have taken the time to post. I love the detail and all the planning! I've added you to my favorites. Looking forward to following you on all your adventures.
    Safe Travels,

    1. Thank you for your kind observations regarding our website. Would you mind telling me how you found us, as we are always open to modifying the way we present our 'travel' content in order to attract as many followers as possible.

  2. Anonymous6/03/2016

    Just read about your trip to the Canadian Maritimes on the TruckCamper site. It was a great review of that part of Canada. We took the approximate same trip about 5 years ago and it brought back great memories.
    We are looking at a Canada/Alaskan trip possibly next year. Have a safe trip and we will looking forward to your website review. Thanks, Phil Rodgers phildrodgers@cs.com

    1. Hi Phil - thanks for your comments, glad you enjoyed the article. Follow us on our journey west/north this year, if you need any info, just let us know. Thanks..

  3. Hi.. Glad you posted your trip through Labrador. Sylvie and I hope to make it out there this July/August via the North route. I am sure it will be a memorable drive for us.. Again, thanks.. Dan&Sylvie

  4. Hi Dan - thanks so much for your comment. If you or Sylvie have any questions please feel free to email us at dh.loafin@gmail.com or on our Facebook page LOAFin Around. We'd be pleased to help in any way we can. Safe travels - leave lots of time, there is so much to see.

  5. Anonymous8/11/2017

    Hey guys! This page looks incredible but I wouldn't expect anything less! I'm gonna spend some time checking it out but just wanted to tell ya's how much I admire you guys and what you do. Someday I hope I get to do some travelling and do things much the same but until then, I'm happy to doing what I'm doing and that includes seeing you guys from time to time and helping to maintain the LOAF!...lol. Cheers guys, enjoy your trip out east!
    Happy Trails!

    1. Hello Shane - what a pleasant surprise to wake up to your nice comments. Thanks so much for looking around the site and also for the excellent care you take of LOAF. Will update with your photos today. See you in the fall, enjoy your summer with your lovely wife & three sons. Helen & Dann

  6. Anonymous8/12/2017

    Looking after the LOAF is a pleasure. If you would like any details about what we did, what parts we used, or the couple pictures that I took, feel free to send me an email and I can send them to you via text messaging. If you guys ever run into troubles on one of your trips or have any questions don't hesitate to contact me, I'd love to be able to help out!
    Thanks again!

    1. Thanks Shane. Thought I had your email address but can't find it. Can you send it to dh.loafin@gmail.com. I'll send you our phone number so you can text us the photos. Dann says he already has a question LOL. Cheers Helen

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. The highway is fully paved now. April / May you'll probably see snow. I can't imagine your vehicle poses any concern whatsoever at the ferry terminus. Travel safe. Any other questions, contact us. Dann

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Thank you so much for sharing your Labrador journey. I may not be able to make such a journey myself, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading about yours!

    1. Hi Kim, Thank you for your comment. You never know; you just may make that trip one day ... keep Exploring!

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Your comments, suggestions, observations and even opinions are welcome ... please leave some!